Dr. Adam Back shares his life of hacks

It’s been a life of hacks for Dr. Adam Back, the CEO and co-founder of Blockstream. One of the few people quoted on the Bitcoin Whitepaper, hacking highlights of Back’s life are brought to life in the latest animated Crypto Story from Cointelegraph’s video team.  Over a game of Jenga in a park, Back told … Read more

Hal Finney’s wife resumes activity on Bitcoin pioneer’s Twitter account to avoid potential purge

Fran Finney, the wife of computer scientist Hal Finney — the recipient of the first transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain from Satoshi Nakamoto — reactivated her late husband’s Twitter account amid concerns Twitter CEO Elon Musk might purge the content from the social media platform due to inactivity. Many Crypto Twitter users reported on Dec. … Read more

The outcome of SBF’s prosecution could determine how the IRS treats your FTX losses

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried has received official criminal charges after the collapse of his cryptocurrency exchange, which is more than just a moral victory for the exchange’s roughly 1 million individual investors. While not locked in yet, things appear to be on track for these investors to take a more favorable tax position as SBF’s … Read more

Democrats to reportedly return over $1M of SBF’s funding to FTX victims

Following the arrest of former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), three prominent Democratic groups have reportedly decided to return over $1 million to investors that lost their funds due to misappropriation. On Dec. 16, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) pledged to return … Read more